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Be a real problem-solver thanks to an organized inbox

An all-in-one platform to manage your properties and streamline communication

Property manager on site visit to show painter what he needs to do
Inbox a property management team using Rooftop
A property manager outside using Rooftop to manage his emails


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The benefits

A tool that seamlessly connects to your processes

Easily manage and process all incoming requests and streamline your communication thanks to a centralized communication platform.

You and your team can efficiently handle requests (emails and calls) from landlords and tenants, and coordinate interventions by third-party providers.

Property manager categorizing email to follow up on work

Organize emails

Easily categories emails and sort them by building, tenant, type of request, urgency and more. Never look for an email again. 

Property manager automating his inbox to free up time

Dedicated contacts

Assign clear ownership and route messages based on the criteria you choose to the right person. No coding needed. 

Property manager who calls a client based on emails he had with one of her teammates

Ensure smooth communication

Get a shared view of your team inboxes and easily pick up where your colleagues left off, and notify everyone who needs it.

Property manager snoozing tasks

Task management

Add a dash of task management to your inbox. Set deadlines, and track progress, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Scanning QR code to communicate with condo manager
QR code scanned and email was immediately routed to the right property manager

Speed up tasks that are slowing down your team

Manage expectations and reduce the number of follow-up emails for routine matters thanks to automated workflow and email template. 

Thanks to QR codes, tenants can easily report issues and immediately route their messages to the right person, already categorized, so you don't waste time organizing your inbox.


Use the full potential of your customer data

Your inbox is full of data, use it!

Keep an eye on everyone's workload to dispatch resources effectively. Monitor the number of incoming and outgoing messages to know which buildings, customer, or task generates the most work and see how you can improve your services even more. 

Property managers stats on workload based on email traffic
Men pointing to get started
old Rooftop logo
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Women showing it is ok
Get started

Start your free trial today.

No credit card required. No commitment. Check out what Rooftop can mean for your business.

our team

The amazing team behind Mansk

Michael A.
Founder & CEO
Team Member - Mansk Webflow Template
Team Member - Mansk Webflow Template
Jhon K.
Head of Business
Anne H.
VP of Marketing
Team Member - Mansk Webflow Template

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